Friday, August 26, 2016

Fall 2016--WELCOME!

So, a new year, a new class, a new assistant.  Welcome to all!  We've been working hard this week, getting everybody used to the routine (and us!) and getting back into the swing of things. 

We have a great class this year and we are really looking forward to seeing what these little people do this year.  I want to talk about some things that we never really get a chance to talk about in the rush of the morning and afternoon.

  • We use Conscious Discipline at our school.  This is a method in which the children learn to regulate themselves (THIS IS A PROCESS), and solve their own problems, first with support, later on their own.  It may look to some visitors that we "aren't doing anything", but we are always watching and ready to jump in if necessary.  You may have noticed our Safe Place.  This is NOT a time out area, it's meant to be used as a place to get yourself together when you are upset, angry, sad, or just want to be alone for a bit.  We are practicing using it, including me and Mr. Oscar.
  • We have several work study students and interns who work in our classroom, and we consider ourselves lucky to have so many adults to facilitate the learning in our classroom.  The children really form attachments to all of us.
  • We are trying to create a Culture of Yes in our classroom.  We want our class to be expert decision-makers by the end of the year, and the only way to do that is for them to make decisions.  So our goal is to find a way to say yes to whatever they would like to do.  Do they want to jump off the couch?  How can we make that happen safely?  Do they want to dump out all of the toys?  Okay, we will just have to spend a little extra time cleaning up.  What do they want to learn about?
  • This brings me to "MANAGEABLE RISKS".  Children can and should take risks.  They will never learn new skills if we do everything for them.  Children who never take risks grow up to be fearful, unconfident adults.  If we allow them to take risks now, with our support and encouragement, they realize that we have confidence that they can do things, then they see that they can.  And if they can't yet, they will not be afraid to try again.
Now, the part you have wanted to see--the PICTURES!  This is what we've been up to all week.  Please let grandparents, family, and friends know about this blog so they can also see the amazing stuff your kids do every day.  I'll bet you didn't know how hard they work!

We do a lot of dressing up every day.  This gives us the opportunity to try out different jobs, different, roles and even some different personalities.

Sensory activities are very important to preschoolers.  They strengthen fine motor skills, which is excellent for getting ready to write.  They are also very calming to children.

We did a lot of cutting this week, with a lot of different materials. 

We made cherry play dough.  It smells good and it's really good for those hand muscles when you make it and when you play with it.

We painted.

And painted.

OF COURSE, we read stories!

We did baby doll circle time, which teaches empathy in children.  This is a nice, relaxing activity that the children really love, especially if they have a younger brother or sister.

Shaving cream!

We did some yoga outside, which was lovely.


We have caterpillars in our classroom.  When we were cleaning out their habitat, the children who wanted to touched the caterpillars very gently.  They look spiky, but they are very soft, "like a pillow".

Please leave comments about what you think or what you would like to see here.