Friday, March 10, 2017

Celebrating in EE5

We've had a really busy few weeks! 

We celebrated National Plant a Flower Day at school by, well...PLANTING FLOWERS!   Everybody got in on it, digging holes, planting, patting the ground, and watering.  It was exactly what the gardens needed, a little bright color, plus some food for the pollinators as they get started on their work this spring.

We also started working on a recycling project in EE5 called Carton to Garden--we collected tons of milk cartons that we saved from lunch, washed them out really well, and we are painting them (of course the children are mixing their own colors) and will use them for a little garden art that we will submit to a contest and hopefully win a prize, but even if we don't win, we will have a lovely recycled collage to show for it

You might remember a few weeks ago when we planted lettuce, carrot, and radish seeds in pots outside--here is our harvest!

The carrots got dumped several times by the little kids, which is a chance we take when we plant in pots, and the radishes did not grow at all.  Except one that somehow ended up in the lettuce pot.  We did get enough lettuce to have a nice salad for lunch--SCORE!!!!
We like to celebrate everything around here, so we celebrated the Festival of Colors.  A parent came and read us a story about how this holiday started in India, and brought us powdered colors to throw (think color run without the running).  It was so fun, and even the babies got in on the fun!


We were all a colorful mess when we were finished!

