Monday, October 2, 2017

2017-2018 Happy New School Year!

Happy New School Year!   We are loving our new class and we are all getting to know each other.  We are doing a lot of fun things so check in often and see what's up with everyone.  

I try really hard to get pictures of as many activities as I possibly can and provide explanations about why we do the things we do as well.  So, on that note, let me explain that we try very hard to promote self-help skills in the children we serve.  They are perfectly capable of serving themselves food, pouring drinks, getting the things they need, changing their own clothes in case of spills, etc., and generally just doing things for themselves.  The "rule" in EE5 is, you need to try to do it yourself, then if you need help a grownup will help you.  

We provide many sensory experiences for the children every day.  We use a large mirror for building to get a different perspective on building (here we used different sized cubes, but we also use legos, shapes, letters, anything else we think of).  

We have a light table that gets a lot of use in our classroom as well.  We have a lot of translucent manipulatives for the kids to use with it, but generally everything in our classroom finds its way to the light table.  

Of course, we provide the standard sensory experiences...shaving cream, water, sand, play dough, slime, mud, shells and tons of other things.  This is very relaxing for our friends.

Friends play with legos nearly every day.  This is so great for their fine motor skills, which can only help with prewriting skills.  

 We like to take our artwork outside if we can.   

If it's raining, we don't really see that as a reason to stay in!  As long as there is no thunder and lightning, we can stay outside.  So what if we get wet.  We can change.  

We started our first project this week...APPLES!  The kids know about apples, and we can learn a lot.  We started with a chart of what we already know about them.  As we learned new information, we added it in a different color so we can see the actual learning happening.  

We played some games with apples, counting, sorting, patterning, adding, subtracting and just manipulating the counters in all kinds of ways.  

We made apple pie play dough, which SMELLS like apple pie, but does NOT taste good!

We had an apple taste test with a lot of different kinds of apples.  We tasted them all and chose our favorites, then wrote our names on post its and added them to the chart under our favorite apple.  Then we counted which had the most favorites, which had the least and which were in the middle.  

We did apple stamping, using real apples.

We did an experiment to find out if apples sink or float.  Each child made a prediction after handling the apples to see if they were heavy or light.  Then they put them in the water to see if their prediction was correct.  

Please let me know if you would like to see anything in particular in the blog and let aunts, uncles, grandparents and everyone else know to check it out.  There is a translate button at the upper right if anyone needs that!  Have a wonderful day and let us know what you think.  

Friday, March 10, 2017

Celebrating in EE5

We've had a really busy few weeks! 

We celebrated National Plant a Flower Day at school by, well...PLANTING FLOWERS!   Everybody got in on it, digging holes, planting, patting the ground, and watering.  It was exactly what the gardens needed, a little bright color, plus some food for the pollinators as they get started on their work this spring.

We also started working on a recycling project in EE5 called Carton to Garden--we collected tons of milk cartons that we saved from lunch, washed them out really well, and we are painting them (of course the children are mixing their own colors) and will use them for a little garden art that we will submit to a contest and hopefully win a prize, but even if we don't win, we will have a lovely recycled collage to show for it

You might remember a few weeks ago when we planted lettuce, carrot, and radish seeds in pots outside--here is our harvest!

The carrots got dumped several times by the little kids, which is a chance we take when we plant in pots, and the radishes did not grow at all.  Except one that somehow ended up in the lettuce pot.  We did get enough lettuce to have a nice salad for lunch--SCORE!!!!
We like to celebrate everything around here, so we celebrated the Festival of Colors.  A parent came and read us a story about how this holiday started in India, and brought us powdered colors to throw (think color run without the running).  It was so fun, and even the babies got in on the fun!


We were all a colorful mess when we were finished!



Monday, February 20, 2017

We have been doing a lot of different things in EE5 that we want to share with everyone.  We started out thinking that we would start a Gardening Project, but all of a sudden we were hearing about dinosaurs and decided to set up a Dinosaur Museum in our Dramatic Play Center.  Awesome experience so far.  

We have a lot of things going on in our museum.  We have workers who help customers and decide when the museum is open or closed.   (The lanyards around their necks tell you what each child's job is.)

We have a dinosaur habitat with dinosaur nests and eggs with babies in them.  
We have an excavation site where our paleontologists can dig up fossils using tools.  

We made our own fossils, which will find their way into our excavation site.

We have done some fun dinosaur art.  (We continue our obsession / love affair with tape!)

There is a lot of writing and reading and research going on for sure.  

In other news, we have been taking a lot of different materials outside for special activities.  We bathed the baby dolls in the sunshine this week....

We took a writing activity outside, which morphed into tracing shadows onto the paper.  

We also had a wonderful Valentine's Day Party in conjunction with EE4.  We set up several activities in each classroom and the children were free to move from room to room however they chose--this was so much fun!

We started out with an obstacle course that we had to go through holding a friend's hand.  We helped each other get through it.  

We had some yummy Valentine's Day Punch.

We played a game where we predicted how many candy hearts we could stack up, then we tested out our theories, then we ATE them!

We had a valentine making station.

We had a dance party.

We made special heart necklaces.

We played Valentine's Day Bingo with M&Ms.  Guess what we did with them when we finished the game?

We decorated cookies.  YUMMY!

 We played Ms. Amie's favorite game ever called Musical Hearts.  There are hearts on the floor, but not enough for everybody, so when the music stops, we all have to hug so everyone can fit onto the hearts.  Everybody wins this game!

We took silly pictures with our friends.

We still have a lot of fun things planned for our Dinosaur Study so keep your eyes open for our work!