Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I just got back from presenting a workshop at an early childhood conference in New Orleans.  My session was entitled "A Day in the Life of a Nature-Based Classroom".  It went really well, although I really missed my pumpkins.  I came back with some new ideas to implement in our classroom.   

Meanwhile, we have been doing some pretty cool things here.  I wish I could get pictures of everything we do, but that's pretty difficult, so I do what I can...

Smokey the Bear came to our school with some Forest Rangers to talk to us about fire safety.  The kids LOVED IT

 We got to sit in the fire truck...

Using the fire hose was really cool....
Continuing on with our Recycling Project, we are getting pretty creative with the recyclables that are coming in.  Thank you so much to the parents who keep filling our recycling basket as fast as we can use up the "good stuff".  They made animal noses and ears this particular day.  How do they come up with this stuff?

We have gotten some new musical instruments in our classroom, which are really wonderful and the kids are enjoying them.  We are practicing some common songs and will soon videotape them and post them on here, which I think will be fun.  I know the kids are enjoying looking at the blog and some are even making suggestions about what to put on here!  


In small group time, we had one table that worked with letters, the children looked for the letters in their names and friends' names, teachers names, and other words they know.  This is a really good activity because we can see exactly who needs help, who is ready for the next step, and it's open ended; meaning that we can work with each child right where they are. 

In another center, Ms. Mandy (visiting from another classroom) provided support while some children wrote and illustrated ideas about recycling.  These are some of my favorite types of activities because you get to really hear and discuss their ideas--some of which are incorrect, but most of which are amazingly insightful.  (And if they do have incorrect ideas, we will continue to ask them questions and help them to do research to find the correct information.)



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