Friday, September 25, 2015

A Week in Review....

My teacher's heart is full.  Yesterday was a near-perfect day in our classroom.  As I rotated around the room and asked children what they were working on, this is what I saw and heard.  

In the block center, "What are you ladies working on?"
"A building for all the animals to live." 


They didn't need me so I wandered away.

In the art center, there was a lot of activity, so I walked over there.  "What are you working on?  You have a lot of things on the table..."  
"We NEED them.  We are making bracelets and everyone is making them different.  Will you help me with the tape?"
"I'd like you to try first." (Child cuts the tape and attaches the edges of the bracelet.)
"I knew you could do that." Child smiles.

They didn't need me so I wandered away.

In the writing center, three children were writing in their journals.  
"What are you writing about?"
"I'm party planning.  For my mother's coronation."
Discussion ensues between all three children....

They didn't need me so I wandered away.

Dramatic play center:  children in various dress up clothes and hats are sitting on the couch, chair and at the table.  One child is hurrying from person to person pouring "coffee".
"What's happening here?"
"I need more coffee!"
"Be right there."
I watch for a few minutes but nobody really even acknowledges me. 

They didn't need me so I wandered away.

In the math center, children are working with counters and links.  

They didn't need me so I wandered away.

In the science center, play dough was being passed around the table.  Children were talking about what they were making, how to make it, and negotiating for tools and play dough. 

Magic was happening and nobody needed me so I wandered away.
  In the quiet center, a child was explaining why we all need to be a team and work together because if we don't, we won't get things done.  You can't argue with that logic.  Also, two children were admiring our Guinea Pig and laughing  because he is so lazy.  Two children were reading our Class book that we made and counting apples. 

Children were having conversations, cooperating, using their words appropriately, helping each other, thinking about what they were doing and why.  What more could I ask for?  So I wrote it all down to put into their portfolios. 

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