Friday, October 16, 2015

October 16, 2015

I apologize for not posting in a couple of weeks, but we have been very busy in EE5.  Ms. Mandy brought in a dehydrator and we've been dehydrating up a storm!  After the apple chips, we moved on to banana chips, then to herbs and flowers.
The light table is fun to play with.  We have lots of translucent manipulatives so our friends can explore light.  


Some fine motor work while decorating our tree with chenille stems and beads. 

We had one especially great day  where we went out back to play with our mud kitchen.  The water table was open for business.

We did a little stepping in buckets just because....

Our mud pit got some good attention.  Yes, we do have a water source out there, and yes, we do let the kids manage it.  They love it.

We did a little chemistry... mixing cornstarch with colored water and exploring the properties of that.  It's pretty interesting how it's liquid and semi-solid at the same time.

 Doing a little puzzle work with our friend Mr. Matt.  

The mirror table is pretty cool too.  We are building with translucent blocks and some really amazing things happen on top of the mirror.

We set up a provocation for the children in the science center.  There are fresh gourds (like the ones in our garden) in one basket and dried gourds (from last year) in the other basket.  There are magnifying glasses so they can get a good, close look, feel the differences, and materials so they can write about their observations.  The fresh gourds will be dried over the next few months as well, allowing the children to see them change.  

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